Anti-Trends In Interior Design: Trends That Went Out Of Fashion In 2022

Anti-Trends In Interior Design: Trends That Went Out Of Fashion In 2022

Anti-Trends In Interior Design: Trends That Went Out Of Fashion In 2022Decorating an apartment or house is a complex and delicate, but at the same time incredibly exciting process. Any extra or missing detail can upset the balance of the interior, create a feeling of inadequacy or, on the contrary, redundancy, or reduce the cost of the interior as a whole. That is why designers pay so much attention to decor: if the finish is a visual background and base, then the finishing touches are responsible for the atmosphere and mood.

Another important property of the decor is the ability to make your interior more relevant and stylish without any radical transformations. In 2022, it will be completely easy again: designers have already come up with a lot of great ideas. It remains only to figure out what will prevent you from achieving perfection in the interior. We bring to your attention the solutions announced as unambiguous anti-trends for the upcoming season.

White window frames

It often happens that decoration and decoration, in which a lot of time and money has been invested, do not provide the desired result: the interior looks, to put it mildly, inexpensive and unbalanced. In such a situation, designers urge not to rack their brains, but to pay attention to… windows.

A couple of decades ago, plastic windows were a symbol of expensive repairs and the prosperity of the owners of apartments and houses, but today they are more likely to reduce the cost of the interior. Overly simple white frames, faceless fittings in color – all this suggests that the decoration of the apartment has not been worked out to the end. The solution to this problem is very simple:

  • Pick up dark frames. This design creates an exquisite contrast with light tones and is in perfect harmony with textures in demand today – brick and concrete.
  • Pay attention to the width of the border. Excessively bulky frames not only reduce the level of natural light, but also look very bulky. Take a closer look at subtle options that look like an extension of window glass – and you yourself will be surprised by the elegance of the solution.
  • Expensive hardware. If handles are included in the design of your windows, take care of their exclusivity. Even if the manufacturer of the window systems does not offer such decor, it will not be difficult to order them elsewhere. Your efforts will surely be rewarded – with stylish and harmonious decor.

Cheap and multilayer textiles

In the midst of the popularity of minimalism, the presence of textiles in the interior may seem insignificant – but only at first glance. The right rugs and the upholstery of sofas and armchairs are essential for perfect harmony. However, with these materials, everything is unambiguous: low pile and its absence, texture close to the natural and current colors will provide the desired effect. However, with curtains, everything is somewhat more complicated.

In 2022, decorators urge to pay maximum attention to the selection of fabrics for window draperies and exclude the following options:

  • excessively thin and easily creased materials;
  • excessively bright and variegated fabrics;
  • shiny satin textures.

Such textiles significantly reduce the cost of the overall appearance of the room, even if serious sums have been invested in the repair and decoration. That is why you should not spare your time looking for decent curtains: a dense fabric that holds large folds well without any prints will provide the interior with unconditional relevance.

Another important point is a minimum of layers in window decoration. The traditional combination of fabric curtains and thick tulle, lambrequins and numerous folds – this should be forgotten at least for a while. Style and simplicity go hand in hand in 2022.

Furniture sets

Many of us still remember the times when sets of a sofa and armchairs, a kitchen table and chairs, or a wardrobe and a coffee table seemed to be the pinnacle of interior fashion and a symbol of expensive furnishings. Today, the attitude towards such furniture options is extremely opposite. The tendencies towards individuality, freedom of expression and lack of style frames contradict furniture sets in principle, since the latter set rather rigid boundaries for further decoration.

In 2022, you’ll be able to afford more charming liberties. Match the minimalist light gray sofa with a pair of mustard-colored retro armchairs. Replace the display cabinet with a console table and open shelves. Combine a solid wood table with lovely wicker chairs. These are not all ideas – but each of them will help to avoid boredom and secondary in your interior.

Complex multi-level ceilings

Stretch curly ceilings and backlit structures have been criticized for more than a season – both for being too “synthetic” and for the ability to visually clutter up and reduce the space in the room. Trends for 2022 are another attempt by designers to convince us that there is no need to spend a lot of money on solutions of this kind. Moreover, the toxicity of materials for stretch ceilings is still one of the most compelling arguments.

A fashionable alternative to such designs is simple and less costly – these are traditional painted or whitewashed surfaces. If you are decorating a house in a rural style, pay attention to wooden lacquered ceilings – this trend is recognized as one of the key ones in the coming season.

Embossed architectural fake elements

While classical luxury reigned in the sphere of contemporary decor, imitation of architectural elements, referring to the palace decoration of past eras, confidently entered fashion. Stucco moldings, decorative columns, arches, capitals, pilasters, friezes, cornices, baguettes and panels – similar solutions were actively used to decorate a variety of rooms, regardless of their area. Such products, especially made to order, are still quite expensive today, but on the eve of 2022, designers again questioned their feasibility.

Today even classic trends in interior design imply simplicity and elegance without excessive pomp and elaborate details. That is why it is worth trying to give up such decorative techniques. Also, interior specialists are extremely negative about fake niches, arches and shelves – today, skillful use of the available space is welcomed without weighting and techniques that can go out of fashion at any time.

Excessive decor

Delightful decorative pillows. A fluffy blanket thrown casually over a chair. Paintings, mirrors and posters all over the walls. Caskets, candlesticks, vases, book clips, figurines and photo frames placed on all horizontal surfaces. Love for decor can sometimes stretch incredibly far – but where, then, are you?

Today, designers still insist on an extremely balanced use of decorative accessories in the interior and call for getting rid of all that is superfluous and excessive. However, their small caveat is very important: what in your case will be superfluous and excessive, only you yourself decide. And if you do not quite understand whether it is worth removing this or that trinket, just answer yourself a few questions:

  • Does it harmonize with its surroundings (wall or shelf color, other decor items, interior in general)?
  • Will the look or atmosphere of the room change if it is removed?
  • How dear is it to you and is there any special story connected with it?

Answers to all these questions will help you decide on the next steps and, possibly, make your interior lighter and more natural. And one more important nuance: pay attention to how much time you spend on caring for the decor, and whether it interferes with you in performing any routine actions – for example, getting books and documents from the shelves or setting the table.

Anti-trends in decor in 2022: conclusions

Speaking of out of fashion trends in the interior, one cannot fail to mention another important anti-trend – strict and unquestioning adherence to any trends. Treat them all as useful recommendations and a source of fresh ideas, but still equip the interior in accordance with your own tastes, habits and ideas about harmony and comfort.

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