How to integrate light wood furniture into your decoration?

How to integrate light wood furniture into your decoration?

There is something incredibly soothing and elegant about modern interiors that incorporate light wood furniture. Perhaps it is the discreet charm of this material, or its power to create a warm and inviting atmosphere? Anyway, the light wood has been able to conquer the hearts of many of us. But a question often arises: how…

Treating teak wood

Treating teak wood

” Tips for proper wood care “ If you have high-quality pieces of furniture in your garden or even in your apartment, you may have chosen for Teak furniture yet decided. These not only look incredibly beautiful, but also have very special properties. Teak wood is robust, easy-care and above all weatherproof wood. In this…

What is veneered wood?

What is veneered wood?

Plenty Wooden furniture are made entirely or partially from veneered wood. But what is veneered wood actually? What special features does it have and what distinguishes it from other types of wood such as solid, semi-solid or solid wood? A conceptual explanation: what does veneer mean? This term refers to wafer-thin sheets of wood that…

Pine wood in furniture construction

Pine wood in furniture construction

” Characteristics and advantages of wood species “ It is easy to process, relatively inexpensive and is one of the most common woods in European forests: pine. The rapidly renewable material enjoys extreme popularity in furniture construction, is characterized by a striking appearance and scores with a good environmental balance due to its domestic occurrence….